Sinay and AllRead, now partners to enhance the future of the port-maritime industry

At AllRead, we have signed a partnership with Sinay that will allow us to develop a synergy within the framework of a balanced business relationship and a profitable expansion programme for both of us.

About Sinay

Founded in 2008 and based in France, Sinay is a tech provider that helps companies in the maritime sector worldwide to manage data related to operations and environmental impact. With more than 10 years’ experience in maritime data collection and analysis, they have highly relevant industry information and results.

The data collected by the Sinay Hub – a unique software platform that collects, analyses and monitors complex maritime data in one place – is processed using advanced AI technologies to create key indicators. These KPIs are consolidated into modules that solve key challenges, with each module tailoring a specific environmental or performance issue, such as:

  • Air quality.  
  • Water quality.  
  • Aerial noise.  
  • Underwater acoustics.  
  • Marine life.  
  • Route optimisation and planning.  
  • Prediction of estimated time of arrival.  
  • Port congestion.  
  • CO2 reduction.  

With all this information, real-time situational awareness is created and consequently helps the maritime industry to make the right decisions, drive greater efficiency and easily comply with sustainability regulations, allowing maritime stakeholders to have a 360° look at all their activities.  

The purpose of the collaboration with Sinay

AllRead represents a frictionless and cost-effective solution to capture and extract valuable information in operational environments. It reduces repetitive manual tasks, eliminates errors and allows immediate processing of the information.
Useful in several areas of the suply chain, we focus on the development of our AI-based data capture software for tracking cargo from any camera at ports and terminals around the world.

Our know-how is something that, thanks to this collaboration, will be available to Sinay’s customers and markets and expand the scope of their services.

This will allow us to develop joint projects and provide a much more powerful solution for the port and logistics sector. Thus, both companies will continue to work hand in hand for a sustainable and digitised development of the maritime and port-logistics industry.

We are very pleased that this collaboration will represent a step forward in becoming an internationalised software company that helps to improve the operations of the entire supply chain.

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